Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Vedic Movies

When I was at Initiator Training this past spring, my fellow teachers and I began to compile a list of "vedic" books and movies. Most of them had a science or other worldly theme: physics, alternate universes/worlds, etc. On Monday night, I finally saw
Lars and the Real Girl. Such a beautiful movie. The thing that was remarkable to me is that he created his own world and the rest of the town went along with it; at first, in order to support him, but then something happened. They wanted to support the "relationship" he created and they were truly sad and in mourning when Bianca "died" (sorry about the spoil). After her death, true to himself, Lars continues to create his world, the rules again based on love.

We create our own universe and whatever that universe is, whatever the reality,
if it is born of love, the community will support it. That is the vedic view, love at the base, we create the universe, because we are the universe.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, just saw Lars and the Real Girl.
    I was so touched by the town's support and love.
    I thought it honorable of Lars to create such
    honest closure with Bianca, when the excitement of real life crept in, and took over his interest. And, the "real girl" so understood
    him and felt so safe. Very touching!
    I saw another deeply moving movie called "Good
    Dick". The review called it "hilarious", but it
    wasn't. It was about a cute guy who took an
    interest in a disturbed woman who ordered porn
    movies where he worked. It turned out she had
    been molested, and how he gained her trust was
    so, so beautiful!
    Both movies are so unusual, and similar in
    deeply moving ways.
