Thursday, October 30, 2014

All Hallows Eve

Tomorrow is Halloween. All Hallows Eve - The day the veil begins to lift between this world and the next. In the Christian liturgical tradition, it is the day we use humor to initially confront the power of death. Why? Because November 1 is All Saints Day and November 2, All Souls Day - on both days those who have passed are believed to roam the material world. Prior to the Christian version of Halloween, the day was acknowledged in the Celtic view as the end of harvest and called Samhain, a time to welcome our ghosts to the table and indeed, an extra plate was set for them.

In both traditions, we would disguise ourselves so that if we met a wandering soul still seeking retribution in this world, we would not be recognized. Whatever your belief system or religious discipline, it is a lovely time each year to remember those who have passed and acknowledge those who need our love & forgiveness both in this world and the next.

Every Saturday I host a group meditation. You can find details here.  This Saturday is an opportunity to sit in silent forgiveness of those still living who have wounded us in some way and those who have passed on to the next world, unable to ask for our kindness.

It is also a time to forgive self, ease up a bit on the recriminating list that goes through our minds of past mistakes. It is time to let go of that which is no longer relevant to moving forward on our evolutionary path.

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